1. Part I: Welcome to the Course: hi and welcome to the career Hacks resume writing, interview, prep and negotiation tactics to get that job course. This course is quite different than other courses you’ll take instead of focusing on what other people do. I’ve modeled my success on thinking outside the box and doing what others aren’t doing in order to get ahead. It’s proven successful for me in that I’ve got in every job that I’ve ever wanted. I’ve helped countless people nail the interview, and I’m going to show you how I did it. Why am I teaching a course on hacks? Hacks help us to get things done faster and more efficiently. If you want to get ahead, you can do things the traditional way and climb the proverbial corporate ladder. Or you could take the elevator and get where you want to go faster. I’ve distilled a five hour lecture into a one hour lecture for your benefit. It’s not the time it takes to do something that makes it worthwhile. Quite the contrary. It’s doing things the most efficiently that helps us get ahead. It’s true I’m a fire financial independence, retire early advocates, but I wouldn’t have been able to retire early without having Bean able to save money from my 9 to 5 jobs for 12 years. I’m guessing you’re in a job you don’t like currently, or one that you do like to some extent, but your salary isn’t where you want it to be. I’m going to approach things two ways. Showing you how to negotiate a higher salary from a job you’re already in, if that’s what you prefer or how to find and secure a better job. If you’d like to be financially free at some point, maximizing what you’re earning now will set you up for success later on. Remember, it’s not how much you earn that will set you free. It’s putting that money to the best possible use so that you can reap the benefits later on . But don’t forget, money isn’t the be all and door If you find what you love doing and it doesn’t payal that much, you could be happier than you ever have before. I’m going to show you what’s possible, But figuring out what you want is something you must answer for yourself. And how do we do all this? Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that everyone has the ability to stand out in this world, believe it or not, yes, everyone has a personal brand, whether they know it or not. Even you. It’s how people perceive you. And if you go from one company to another, your reputation can either follow you if you let it, or you can change it and mold it into whatever you want it to be. This is the corner stone of becoming a hirable employees setting your brand to align the closest with the company you’d like to work for. Okay, so here’s what we’re going to cover. Truly finding what you like in Dargo dat how to negotiate in your current job. Rez. You may marketing basics. Interview. Perec nailing any interview Don’t forget these five shockingly simple rules. Extra credit. How to feel certain when you aren’t actually sure you ready for ALS that I sure am. Let’s go
2. Part II: Truly finding what you like and are good at: truly finding what you like and are good at. Do you have that one friend who has the best job, makes a ton of money and can’t stop talking about how great it is secretly love to hate them? Guess what? The reason you feel a twinge of jealousy is because you want that for yourself to and deep down, you know it’s possible you may just not know how to go about getting it. My job is to give you the confidence to get that which you deserve by showing you the inside track and hacks to get it. And guess what? There have been people who get the job, even if they aren’t the most qualified beating out of us who may have deserved it more but didn’t have the right marketing skills to prove that they were worthy enough. I should know I’ve beaten out many candidates simply because I did things differently than everyone else. If you’ve ever interviewed candidates as a manager, think back to why you chose to hire certain people. Was it 100% always because the candidate was the most qualified? What about when two candidates were neck and neck? How could you possibly choose? I’m willing to bet that you have to either create a project or some way of pitting the two against each other or you dare I say, chose the one you liked better or felt would fit in better. Either way, you’re trying to predict who will do a better job in the long run. And this is for lack of a better word, a guess that they will do the best job, right? So how do we ensure that we are the one chosen for the job? Besides waiting around for the company to come to you standing out and connecting with ones who are making the hiring decision is key. And the best way to do this is to first find what you like doing that you’re also good at and then Sprinkle in a bunch of the hacks. I’m going to teach you, finding what you like and are good. It sounds easy enough, but I can’t tell you how many people get this first step so wrong. There are a ton of people who are actually very competent at what they do but absolutely hate it. I’ve found that people who love what they do are usually pretty damn good at it. The tricky part is getting paid well for that. So he is the best way to ensure you get all three, right? Have you ever taken a personality test before? You get all wigged out here? Me out on this. This is the single biggest factor I found in all my research. That actually will help you get this first step right? If you don’t have time to take a test I’ve provided a link in the Project Resources section . I’m going to break things down on the high level for you. Ask yourself the following questions based on how you perceive yourself not how others perceive you. I am mostly introverted. I like to keep to myself and need time to unwind after being social or I am mostly extroverted. I get energy from interacting with others and like being social, I am mostly a big picture thinker. Too many details make my eyes glaze over. And I’d rather rely on my hunches or I mostly love details. Examining things logically and knowing everything I can about something to remember or use later on makes me feel at ease. I mostly care about people and their feelings in normal conversation. I want to know how people are doing and care how they feel, or I mostly care more about thinking through things. Logically, people’s feelings aren’t is important to me. I want to focus on the facts. I mostly a type a person. I make lists likely when things get accomplished, have an intense drive to succeed, etcetera, or I’m mostly a type B person. I am okay with not completing tasks all the time, being a little late to appointments or have more of a laid back approach to life. This is an extremely simplified version of the Myers Briggs personality test, but provides a very good prime to help us determine what kind of job you’d be naturally drawn to based on the type of person you think you are Now. This isn’t to say that an introvert can’t be good at sales or someone who isn’t driven can’t be a doctor. It’s just saying that in order to find what you like and what you’re good at, your personality says a lot. The next step is to look up the jobs associated with your personality type and see if you are in alignment with them. Currently, guide in the resources section. If you are, that’s good news. If you armed, that’s also good news. You could have a potential future job change in the works. We all know this guy. It’s Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. But did you know he started the company well into his sixties? That’s after numerous failed attempts at working relationships. He even tried to commit suicide. But one fateful day he figured out that he could share his gift, the gift of cooking. And that’s when everything changed. With a secret recipe and a whole lot of determination, he became a $1,000,000,000 head of a thriving company. What gift does the world need from you and how do we go about giving it to them now, before doing anything rash? I have to say that my advice isn’t the be all end all. Please balance my advice with that of your family and friends, your own research and your own gut instincts. Do you need to go back to school now because you need to change careers? Not necessarily. Thankfully, you’re one of those rare individuals who knows investing in yourself is huge, and sites like this are the best way to pack in a ton of knowledge quickly and efficiently . I will say that I have taken a low paying job twice in my life for the sole purpose of learning in order to then get ahead later. This may be too risky for some of you are not possible based on your current situation. So let’s focus on your current career for a moment.
3. Part III: How to negotiate in your current job: how to negotiate in your current job. Let’s say that you want to stick with your current career for now and get a promotion or negotiator raise. At some point, I want to talk a bit about attitude for a moment before we get too far. The fact that you’re analyzing what you want to do with your life is a big step and one that a lot of people don’t take. Unfortunately, you’ll hear them complain about their job, for sure, But do they ever do anything about it? Do they set themselves up for success? Maybe eventually. But you’re different. You’re literally taking the first steps right now. That’s great news. You’re setting yourself apart from your peers. Your mind set will dictate how successful you are and by thinking positively knowing the right hacks and acting, you’ll get there quicker than any of them would. Having a dream job is possible, but remember, it’s up to you to define it and go out and get it. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s check for a moment longer on why you may want to negotiate a higher salary at your current job. If you’ve ever looked at salary sites like salary dot com. They provide ranges for job titles ever stopped. To think why they do this, it’s because every company pays their workers differently, even for the exact same jobs. You can use this to your advantage and negotiate for more money. At your current job, you must know what someone in your current role could be making in the market. That is, if you were to switch jobs, you should be making as much or more than you currently do. By staying at your current job, you’re actually saving them the headache of replacing you. Think about this from your employer’s perspective. If you were to leave, they would need to spend a bunch of money in replacing you. Downtime, Interviewing costs, training The list goes on and on. If you’re in good standing at your current company, having a non ist conversation of our promotion and raises is a must. So many good employees get passed over for these two things because they aren’t asking or showing why they deserve to get them. The company actually doesn’t want to get rid of employees unless they absolutely must. I e. For legal reasons, If you obey the company rules working when your supposed to announce causing harm and don’t do anything illegal, you’ll likely enjoy a long tenure at a single company. But in order to take things to the next level, you’ll need to start doing things a little differently. If you aren’t keeping a list of your accomplishments and sharing them with your manager, please start doing this a sap. The goal is to highlight what you’re great at. The easiest way to do this is to save emails that co workers have sent to you or screenshot if your company uses slack or something similar. Besides reinforcing your Brandon reputation by showing your manager what others think about you, you should also be developing your relationship with your manager through one on one meetings. These don’t always have to be formal or in office, either. Take them out for coffee, ask about them as a person, get to know them. They’re people, too, and the more you get to know them, the more they will want to help you in your career development. Once you’ve developed a few good conversations, tell them that you look to them for guide and since you see how they’ve managed to navigate the corporate world while balancing greater responsibilities and would appreciate any tip somehow to get to the next level in your career. What you’re doing is not only showing that you want to get ahead, but that your manager is the one who can help you achieve this. Everyone wants to help if it also makes them feel good and doesn’t require much effort by reinforcing their worth. You make it very easy for them to say yes to a possible mentorship. But maybe your manager is a horrible person. It’s been known to happen. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of horrible bosses. One thing I did to get ahead at one of the companies I worked the longest, while also having a horrible boss was getting in good with my managers Boss. This did three things showed that I could have high level conversations, showed that I cared enough to want to get ahead and showed everyone that I had something worthy to contribute while operating at that level in my situation. It also put a little distance between me and my manager since he wasn’t looked at that highly in the company. There’s a fine line here with not pissing your current manager off that, so you’ll want to either ask permission to set up a meeting with their boss or send an email with your manager. Copied managers love to be in the low on these things and likely will applaud your ambition if it makes them look good. One way to ensure this interaction also makes your current manager look good is to say that it was partly their idea in order to get a better understanding of the business and the bigger picture of why the team is working on its current projects. You are someone who wants to help move things along and can be counted on to get things done. Remember your crafting your personal brand in order to get a promotion. What other things do you want that brand to say about you? Maybe your company values asking questions. What if you set up an anonymous online group so your colleagues could ask the questions you know they have, without any repercussions of asking them with their name attached? Use your knowledge to your advantage. What are some things that you know would help the company along that they aren’t doing now . The best part is just because you suggested it doesn’t mean you have to implement it. You’re showing that your someone with big ideas, someone who wants to help the company along come yearly review time. You’ll list out all the ideas that you suggested under the guise of recommendations. If your manager wants to see action on these, you’ll create an action plan. If they want to see progress, you tell them that you need more resources to accomplish the additional work and want to recruit co workers to help. The trick isn’t to get more work. Quite the contrary. You’re showing that you have the vision and are worthy of taking your career to the next level promotion and raises favor the bold. So start thinking about how you can stand apart from your co workers.
4. Part IV: Resumé marketing basics: rez. You may marketing basics. Let’s say you want a new job at a new company or you have to interview for a promotion of your current company. Aside from always having an updated resume on hand, you’re going to want to 100% of the time. Have a tailored resume for every job you want to interview for. You’ve probably heard this before, but did you know there’s a site that helps you do this? It’s an absolute must. It takes all the keywords from the job description and tells you how much of a match your resume is to the job linking the resources section. Trust me, hiring managers and HR professionals do not read every resume. They rely on software to show them the best candidates by helping them pick you. All you’re doing is improving your chances and setting yourself up for success. This is the same as a great advertising campaign. It’s the right message at the right time to the right people. You’re just tweaking your message to make it stand out in a sea of all the other candidates . I can almost ensure you’ll get a call for an interview if you do this right by increasing your chances here, you’re already beating out so many candidates. It’s not even funny on what if you can’t match your resumes with job description? Well, you’ve just saved yourself countless hours of your precious time by not wasting it on a job . That wouldn’t be a good apologies if this is, but it’s the truth. Match your skills with the job description. This all sounds so easy, but so many people don’t do it. I mean, almost no one. As a manager trying to fill a job opening, I’ve literally said out loud, Why aren’t they reading the job description? Finding the handful of jobs that you want instead of the dozens of ones that are only slightly appealing is by far a better strategy for long term success. It makes sense. Approach it from the point of view of the company. They want to find the best candidate for the job in the more potential candidates they get , the higher the percentage that the best candidate will be found. But with more candidates comes more time and effort, so using technology works for them, and you can make it work for you too at least try this approach with your next resume and see the difference. That being said, you can’t just reiterate the job description in your resume. You also need to list your accomplishments, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. Take a look at this list and notice the differences. On the one hand, you have what you did, and on the other you have what you accomplished. Good responsible for standard operating procedure documentation better developed standard operating procedures for entire department. Best created 11 standard operating procedure documents with input from department heads, resulting in 25% increase in employees, work day efficiency and 10% increase in output. Why’s the last iteration the best? Because it doesn’t just tell what you did. It shows what you did but more importantly, what you were able to accomplish for the company. This is the exact same thing that marketers do when they’re advertising a product. If they were to list all the features of a new phone, most phones would be able to do the exact same thing. But if you were to highlight a couple things that the phone does best and show how someone’s life will be better because of it, the benefit they receive. You will stand out and be in a better position to persuade someone to buy your product or higher. You people buy brands. They don’t buy products. Let’s look at another example. Good trained new employees on the department rules and regulations better oversaw training of all new employees in shoring rules and regulations were followed. Best manage training program for all new employees, resulting in 100% ongoing compliance of department wide rules and regulations. Here are the hacks to keep in mind Use action verbs to start your bulleted list of accomplishments. Words like managed, created, developed, oversaw, etcetera, laurel. Great ways of highlighting what you’ve done. Use statistics to your advantage. There are two key reasons this is effective. It’s way more descriptive, and when something’s descriptive, it stands out and is easier to remember. There’s a whole lot of confidence that comes with standing out and setting yourself apart. Own it. Focus on your most recent accomplishments If the job you want is related to your current job. If your target job relates more to a position you had in the past. It’s okay to move what was last first. The key is to always match the job description with us, much as you can. Marketing is a skill that you learn and develop over time. But knowing these hacks will set you apart from other candidates. You now have the inside track into how best to highlight your accomplishments. The rest is up to you to transform your accomplishments into benefits for the company. What do they get out of what you’ve been able to do? Quality over quantity. You want to be thorough, but don’t think that having a long resume is a substitute for having depth. Remember, put yourself in your interviewers shoes. Give them all the reasons to hire you and make it easy for them to see why they should. With all those hacks in mind, ensuring that your rescue may gets into the right hands is so important. The old adage is true. It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. It’s not required. But if you have an old coworker or friend of a co worker who works at the company you’d like to work at, by all means hit them up. Take them out for coffee or lunch. You’d be surprised how willing people are to meet with you for free coffee or food, especially when there’s a potential referral bonus attached to getting you in the new position. Having someone on your side guiding you through the interview process is invaluable. Think of this warm intro like going on a date with a friend of a friend. You come with instant credibility, right? You can approach getting a job in the same manner. Instead of competing with hundreds of other people, like on a dating app. You can bypass the system and go straight to at least the friend zone with a potential employer. By having your as you may referred right to the hiring manager, I don’t know anyone at a company you would like to work for. I’ve heard stories of people getting hit upon, linked in by potential candidates who know there are big referral bonuses to be hand not saying this is the best hack. But it isn’t the worst. If someone likes your rescue may and is willing to go to bat for you so they can score of owners, who are you to stop them?
5. Part V: Interview prep: interview Parex. So now that you have an interview scheduled based on your amazing resume, you’ll need to make sure to set yourself apart from the other interview candidates. You’re going to accomplish this by remembering two things. One be memorable and to literally remember the two things that definitely set you apart from your peers. If you’ve ever bean on an interview committee or have had to fill in opening of your company, I bet you hoped and prayed that the perfect candidate came along. One who was smart, friendly and, besides meeting the requirements for the job checks all the boxes in the nice tohave column . But chances are this didn’t happen. You might have decided on someone who didn’t check all the boxes but impressed you in some way and left a lasting impression. Our job is to leave the best impression possible. When everyone else is reciting. There s you may, when asked to tell me a little about yourself. Don’t be afraid to get personal. Show that you’re a person who has dreams and goals outside of work. There will be plenty of time to talk work accomplishments, but your job right out of the gate is to hook them with something memorable. I’ve done this with every single interview I’ve ever had, and trust me, it works. Maybe it’s the half marathon you just trained for the car you just finished budgeted for new house you bought with your spouse. You just figured out how to self publish your first book on Amazon. Whatever it is, make it memorable. You’re not only showing that you stand out from the other candidates, you’re showing that you’re an accomplished person who’s ambitious and goal oriented. The look on some interviewers faces was priceless. When I said when I was 18 I set a goal to buy a house within 10 years. I just moved to the city after having saved up enough to buy my first place. That was two years ahead of schedule. They not only wanted to know how I did it, they were impressed without me having to list off a bunch of boring projects. Speaking of boring, you’re definitely going to want to keep things interesting during the interview. One way to accomplish this, since you aren’t obviously going to know what questions are going to be asked is to prepare answers to two very important questions. What are you better at than everyone else? You know what gets you up every morning when you look back over your as you may, you may be reminded of the menial tasks you used to do it your old job, but we’re damn good at all. The one project you absolutely excelled at, there’s probably a good reason those tasks and projects came easy to you. It could be in line with your personality or your training, whatever it waas. If you were good at its at one company, chances are pretty good that you’d be good at it. Another company Employers love hearing about expertise, and you guessed it setting yourself apart from your peers. If you put yourself in their shoes, would you want someone who checks all the boxes but isn’t memorable? Or someone who checks most of the boxes and has a skill that makes the memorable, interesting and most importantly, valuable? In addition to showing what you’re the best at, you’re going to want to show what you’re passionate about, what gets you going. Employers love to see passion and enthusiasm. In fact, give me a candidate who may not be fully qualified, but shows passion and enthusiasm, and I’m picking them over someone who just shows up to work every day. Maybe it’s figuring out software bugs, improving products, learning a new coding language. Maybe it’s volunteering for your local church creating websites for nonprofits walking shelter dogs at your local S. P. C. A. It could be rock climbing. Whatever it is. Show your enthusiasm in the interview bonus points. Relating it back to what you can bring to the job at hand, even rock climbing shows you know how to take calculated risks.
6. Part VI: Nailing any interview: nailing any interview. Once you’ve prepared for the interview, you’ll want to set yourself apart from the other candidates in the actual interview you’re going to use to things here. Rapport building and a special project. Remember the personality test I talked about earlier? Did you know you can use this to your advantage in an interview if you’re given the list of interviewer names. If not, ask the recruiter or h R rep for a list, if possible, look the map on linked in and see what kinds of jobs they’ve had in the past. Is there a pattern, or have they switched careers? At some point, you can likely guess what kind of personality they have based on their job history and what kinds of things they care about. Now. This isn’t profiling or to be used for anything nefarious. You’re simply trying to build rapport. I was a product marketer to start up and have to deal a lot with product and engineering. My personality is well suited for this as I like to build harmony and build rapport with people. I knew that speaking with someone in marketing was easy for me because they were usually more like me, generally speaking big picture thinkers who care about helping people and getting stuff done when speaking with product or engineering folks, I had to put on a different hat and focus on systems, details and deadlines approaching each interview from the point of view of putting the interview first, changes everything and actually takes a whole lot of pressure off of you. When the interviewer looks back at how the interview went, they’re going to think about how they like to you, because you asked about them and their story, and we’re genuinely interested in their answers and how they can picture working with you. Okay, so how do they know that you will do a good job? Remember when I said that hiring managers are just trying to predict that you will do a good job? What’s the best way to do this? Show them that you can remember the news story a few months back, where the guy stood on the side of the road in Phoenix and held up a please take a resume sign and got hundreds of job offers after just being laid off. Do you know why that worked? Because it was something out of the ordinary, and it showed that he had drive. What about the intern who got hired by Gary Vaynerchuk by writing a song? Exact same thing showed he was competent and unique where other people more worthy of getting these jobs off course. But they weren’t putting themselves out there. What I mean is, if you show the company a snapshot of the kind of work you will create, you paint a picture of you working there, and they like what they see again. I cry sometimes when I see how few people do this extra step and we’re not talking, taking hours and hours of work taken, our and you’ll have something worthy of sharing. My favorite is a Power Point or Google Slides presentation. You can talk about where you see the industry headed or do a competitive analysis of the industry. There are so many potential topics. I’ve outlined a list of 20 also in the resources section. The key is to tell the interview that you put it together at the start of the interview. Sometimes they may not have time allocated for it, but trust me, they’ll want to see it even if they say they look at it later, so you can always email it to them when you send your thank you note more on this in the next section. If they agree to see it during the interview, take 10 minutes, tops to go through it and let the mask questions as you go from my experience, I put a presentation together for the CTO of the startup I was interviewing with, and he was so impressed he asked the CEO to come in as I was presenting so he could listen in as well. Needless to say, I got the job. Even if you’ve heard this recommendation elsewhere, you may not have seen the results. It works, and practically no one does it. Why? They think it’s too much work, but it’s an hour topped or they think it’ll help their chances. It’s actually the opposite, or they aren’t sure what to say. Oftentimes, it’s just the fact that you did it that counts. I have an example of a presentation in the Resources section
7. Part VII: Don’t forget these 5 shockingly simple rules: Don’t forget these five shockingly simple rules. I know interviewing can be stressful, but guess what? If you’ve chosen a job that you would actually like doing and no, you’d be good at your statistically set up for success, the interview will be more natural. And by having Maura poor with your interview than the other candidates, as well as having the secret weapon, the special project, you don’t have to work as hard or be as nervous. There are five things that I want you to do. No matter what. Get the names and emails of all your interviewers. You can get this for Major from the interview of themselves. It’s professional to ask for a business card or to get their email to properly thank them for their time. Or I’ve even hacked the company email system. Most companies have a standard format for creating email addresses to get an email. You’re also going to need this to do any linked in research before or after the interview. Jake hands with each interviewer firmly but not too firmly. We’ve all felt a soft handshake and one that’s way too hard. You want to be the one with the right amount of pressure. It shows your professional come up with the 2 to 3 most important traits. The interviewer is looking for an provide concrete examples with numbers to show how you model this behavior. They want to make sure you could do the job in the best predictor of future behavior. These past behavior. The trick is to look at the job description and see which words come up the most. Do you need to be quick on your feet? Tell them about the time you whipped up last minute meeting for your boss with the company’s top client and make sure they know about it, even if they don’t ask about it directly. Your primary goal in the interview is to show how you fit into the company once you may list. By all means, make sure the company fits in with you. US. Questions. What’s the best way to tell if someone isn’t interested in a job if they aren’t asking questions, trying to learn more about it? It seems so obvious, but again, so few people do it. I’m talking really thoughtful questions, too. I’ve put together a list to get you started in the resources section. Send a thank you email. Guess what? You guessed it practically no one sends a thank you note, even though they know they should. Not only does it set you apart if you do, but it’s also polite to do so. Everyone’s so busy these days. If they’ve taken time out of their busy schedule to meet with you, please thank them. They are providing you with invaluable information about the company and the job so you can make a big decision to following these five rules will set you up for success in any interview.
8. Part VIII: Extra credit: How to feel certain when you aren’t actually sure: extra credit counter field certain when you aren’t actually sure. So now that you know all my hacks for getting the job and more money, I want to point out that even I have bean nervous. Saturn INTERVIEW The trick here is to use that energy for good. Your body is providing you with the tools it needs to focus and shine when the time is right. If you know how to use that energy for good, life is uncertain. If everything was certain, it would be extremely boring and predictable. By taking these steps towards making your life better and Maurin step with what you truly want. You’re stepping into uncertainty. But having the hacks to carefully navigate this uncertainty makes all the difference. A couple of things I’ve done before a begin to viewers listen to hip hop music. Anything that has a detour is fast paced to get the energy out of my system and visualize the interview before it even happens. I like to prepare thoroughly before an interview, but if you’re the rare person who can think on their feet really well, by all means do what works best for you. I like to prepare answers to common questions and really nailed my elevator pitch. This is the 30 seconds to two minute overview of myself again. This can include how you specifically prepared for the job at hand but can also include an attention grabbing personal accomplishment. What sets you apart from all the other candidates? Think of the last time you went out on a date that made you feel really nervous. What could you have done to feel better on not desperate besides looking like a 1,000,000 bucks? What if you knew what your dick was going to ask you? Based on their profile, you based all your answers on similar interests, and you delivered them with absolute confidence and charm. Even if it didn’t end up working out, you would have felt like a 1,000,000 bucks because you would have made a great connection. Your dates would have been on the same waving issue. Now I’m not saying date your interviewers, but they love when they make a connection between what they’re looking for in a candidate of the traits you check off in an interview. Why? Because you make them feel good that they’re making the right choice and they’re going to think they’ll look good when they recommend you. You’re actually making their job easier. They’ll remember all the things that resonated with them and will point this out in their evaluation. You can also remind them over a few of these points in your thank you email, just like when your dick raves about you to their friends. It makes them feel and look good that they went out on a date with someone who gets them. Remember, everything is marketing. You still may not be the best candidate in terms of qualifications, but this can be overlooked if you prove that you have the drive and make it easier for them to pick you over others. They’re just trying to predict who will do the best job. They don’t know for sure who will, and you don’t even have to be the best. One last hack that I speak about in my book 27 plus hacks to your financial freedom is in the salary negotiation phase. At some point, HR will likely ask about your current salary. It’s OK to provide a range based on your research. This is common knowledge Anyway. Some states prohibit asking this so know what’s legal in your state when you are presented with an offer. There’s one hacks that literally got me $10,000 more than the offer presented to me, and it goes like this. You’ll likely be speaking with the hiring manager of this point after reviewing the offer. And if you have the gust her to do so you can say that you were surprised the offer came in $10,000 lower than my lowest acceptable offer and then stop talking and wait for their response. You’re doing two things here. Since they’ve presented you with an offer, you have the upper hand. They’ve shown that they want you, but you haven’t proved that you will accept an offer to work there. You’re also showing that you know how to negotiate and aren’t afraid to get what you want. Think of negotiating like asking someone on a date whoever shows their hand or heart first , is it a slight disadvantage? They’ve put themselves out there and can be rejected. They honestly don’t know what you’ll say by questioning their offer, your neither accepting nor rejecting. You’re trying to get what he wants, and there are other jobs dates to get the interview is almost like the first date and the negotiation phases the second date. Accepting the offer is getting married, so be sure you’re really into it and getting that which you deserve. This isn’t for the faint of heart. If you truly think that no amount of negotiating will get you more money, you can always ask. Is this software firm That way? You aren’t implying that you’ll negotiate. You’re simply asking firm or info about the offer. And trust me, no offer is firm. If you’ve ever negotiated for more money with regards to a job, you’ve probably seen that you practically always get it. A lot of people simply don’t do it. Most companies set aside more money for the fact that there is the likelihood that negotiations will occur. Some companies have caught on and off for low, medium and high com plan with corresponding stock options. Depending on your particular situation and how long you intend to stay with the company. There are pros and cons to each. I tend to want the guaranteed salary because it’s a better better than the stock market. But that’s not always the case. And for the rare company that says this offer is final. They’re really going out on a limb, right? If that salary simply doesn’t work for you, you’re left with no choice but to either suck it up or decline the offer. If declining, don’t forget to let them know that you would have accepted the offer had it, bean, that dollar X amount showing your hand may force them to show you theirs, and they may have been bluffing all along. Regardless, you’re at the final stage. And having to make this decision is better than having to pick between a job you hate and another job you hate. So I hope this course has provided value to you to pick the job you love. If you want to learn how to make every dollar that you own, stretch further. Check out my hack Your way to freedom. The psychology of saving money. Course. Thank you.
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