6 Resume Trends That You Should Follow in 2022

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Some resume trends may be silly, but others are incredibly valuable – take the time to learn the difference. We’ve gathered six essential tips below. Study these resume trends and apply them to your application materials to find the job you want in less time in 2022.

6 Resume Trends to Follow for Success in 2022

1. Learn to articulate your skills

Peppering your resume with soft skills is another resume trend to pay attention to in 2022. According to an SHRM study, HR professionals cite a lack of soft skills as the leading cause of recruitment difficulty. In the study, which focused on the hiring of HR professionals, more than two-fifths of hiring managers and recruiters reported that applicants lacked the competencies and necessary soft skills for the role.

Other studies question whether this is a skills gap or the inability of jobseekers to communicate their skills effectively. A LiveCareer study found that there exists a significant mismatch between the skills requirements listed in job postings and those listed in applicant resumes, with job ads containing an average of 21.8 resume skills, while resumes only list an average of 13 skills.

To remedy this, one of the most critical resume trends for 2022 is for jobseekers to study job ads carefully. Any job description worth its salt will contain all the information a jobseeker needs to land the role. By taking the time necessary to review job posts for the required skills and then adding those skills to your resume, jobseekers will enjoy increased success in 2022.

2. Personalize your resume

As we’ve stated, personalizing your resume to a job ad is going to be key to jobseeker success in 2022. Tailoring your resume to the individual job description and doing your own research on the company will help you write a resume that get’s interviews. But how do you go about doing so?

Of course, you should show off your stellar hard skills, but don’t forget to showcase your soft skills as well. A recent study by LiveCareer found that soft skills, defined as personal attributes that enable workers to interact effectively with others in the workplace, are becoming more and more critical to employers.

Being in possession of skills such as customer service and solid communication skills – and being able to articulate these on your resume – could differentiate you from other candidates with similar educations and work experience.

Start by making a list of the skills and requirements listed in the job ad and note which of those skills you possess. Add those to your resume using the exact same language as the job description. Doing so will help your resume past an applicant tracking system and into the hands of a human recruiter.

3. Show results, not just skills

Jobseekers in the know will take note of this resume trend of 2022: using data and metrics to show your value. Recruiters want to know more about you than a boring list of skills. Bring your accomplishments to life by adding numbers to your resume, according to Principle People Strategy Consultant for SolveHR Kelli Marinelli.

“At a high level, people should gear their resumes toward results rather than listing off skills or education,” said Marinelli who also serves as a special expert for SHRM’s Talent Acquitision Panel. “The best way overall to [write] your resume is to make sure it talks about what you can do as well as the results you’ve achieved.”

Consider adding information about a stellar sales record, improved customer satisfaction survey results, or growing web traffic. Metrics can be identified in almost any role. Recruiters appreciate examples that show the impact your work has had in past roles because it gives them an idea of what you’d bring to the table if they hire you.

4. Skip the fancy design elements

Not getting a job as quickly as you would like? One element to examine might be the design of your resume. With so many companies using applicant tracking systems (ATS), a major resume trend for 2022 is going to be for jobseekers to learn to use a resume format that is readable by ATS.

To start, review the design of your resume and remove any elements that might be confusing to the software. Busy borders, images, and other artwork can inadvertently get your resume thrown in the “no” pile. Using unusual section headers instead of the typical “skills,” “work history,” and “education” headers can also confuse an ATS.

However, a simple well-organized resume doesn’t have to be boring to look at. There are many ATS-friendly resume templates available in our Resume Builder. We also recommend reviewing our resume examples for inspiration on creating an ATS-friendly in your field.

5. Use job ads to identify gaps in your skillset

According to SHRM, roughly three out of five jobseekers who changed jobs within the last 12 months experienced some difficulty finding their new role. If a job search is becoming lengthy, you might reexamine your skillset.

Time and again, recruiters have indicated experiencing difficulty finding qualified candidates. If you’ve tried personalizing your resume to match the job ad to no avail, you may not possess the skills that are required for the job you seek. In this case, what’s a jobseeker to do?

Use job ads as a tool. They can be useful for learning which skills are most sought after in your industry. If you are finding time and again that you don’t possess skills that employers seek, set out to learn them. A job ad is a roadmap; it shows you exactly what you need to succeed. Use them to find holes in your resume and then figure out how to fill them. Smart jobseekers will pay attention to this critical resume trend in 2022.

6. Demonstrate a steady work history

According to a study by SHRM, 39% of employers cited retention as their main reason for providing employee and family assistance (flexible time, caregiving leaves and dependent care). Employers want to find employees who are going to stay with their company, not job-hop from one opportunity to another.

For that reason, demonstrating a steady work history on your resume could put jobseekers at an advantage in the eyes of recruiters.

“Length of stay at jobs [is important],” according to Alison Mackay, Silicon Valley recruiter for Facebook. “We’re at a time when people aren’t staying at jobs for 10+ years, so I’m looking [at] the length of time people were at their previous companies.”

To draw attention to a solid work history, choose your resume template carefully. A chronological resume – where your jobs are listed in reverse chronological order – is designed to show off just that. This format places an emphasis on your work history, which is appealing to many recruiters.

A great resume is your ticket to getting the job that you want. Still feel stuck? Check out MyPerfectResume’s resume builder to create a personalized resume fast. Our easy-to-use resume builder will help you create and ATS-friendly document that is chock full of customizable industry-specific text examples to help even the least confident writers create the perfect resume.

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